
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Getting Into Shape

I have a ways to go to get into shape for the sprint triathlon.  I'm swimming 3 nights/week with the beginners group of the Masters program.  Thursday night is a coached track practice.  Saturday mornings vary --this Saturday will be a coached swim and bike practice.

I was lying comatose on the couch last night after a day of non-stop errands, appointments and swim practice.  My day finished at about 9:00 PM.  My sinuses were killing me and I just lay there....until Henry said, "Take an Alleve."  That helped....along with a warm shower.

Got up this morning and thought there is just too much going on.  So, I had to skip drawing class.  Should be getting easier as I get into better shape.

Also, I'm taking a class at a junior college, De Anza, and helping to put together their literary magazine.  Deadline just passed and we have tons of poems and short stories to read, comment and vote on (whether to publish or not).  That class will be finished at the end of June.  I am not taking any formal classes during the summer (though continuing with drawing lessons).

So, this morning, I'm disappointed to be missing drawing....but also know it was the right decision for today.  Later, going to my Buddhist support group meeting (which I've been missing a lot) followed by the afternoon working on the literary magazine and then swim practice directly after.

I needed an extra motivating push this AM and remembered one of my favorite films, "The Spirit of the Marathon."  I've never run a marathon.  I did walk the Nike Women's half marathon in 2008 and I had the feeling they refer to in the film.  "You triumph over the adversity and therefore you know, there isn't anything in life you can't triumph over."

I would modify that.  Nothing that I do will cure my PD.  Rather than triumph over it, I am coming to the realization that I need to accept it.  But, in accepting it, I don't have to lie down and just allow it to take over.   I can try to be the best me that I can be and that means extending myself to take care of myself, looking for ways to help others, looking for ways to "dance' with Parkinson's Disease with the full amount of grace and power that I am capable of.

It may seem overly dramatic but I do love the film "Spirit of the Marathon" and it motivates me just to watch it.  Note that at the bottom of my blog is a poem video called "Marathon" that expresses how I feel about that kind of an experience --extending yourself beyond what you think you're capable of doing and the feelings of accomplishment that engenders (much like the feelings skiing has provided for me.)

Here's the trailer for "Spirit of the Marathon."

Monday, May 28, 2012

Team in Training

Team in Training is an organization that raises funds for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society by training people to do endurance events.  Most of the people who do these events are not athletes to start with.
But Team in Training prepares them, supports them, gives them what they need to succeed.

In 2008, I completed the Nike Women's half marathon in San Francisco.  When I reached the finishing gate, I remember thinking "Is this it?  Am I here already?"  I was high for months; I felt so good about that

When I was training for that event, I had a bit of resentment that I was funding blood cancer research rather than that for Parkinson's Disease (my disease).  I don't feel that way anymore.  The funds that are raised for LLS are needed and are well used.  Honorees are ever present thanking us for keeping them alive and cheering us on.

By doing this, I enhance my own life (physically and mentally).  It's so worthwhile, it's beyond question.
I am happy to be a part of this group.  They remind me that each day of life is a cause for celebration!

If able to assist with fundraising, any donations would be very much appreciated.  My fundraising page is located here:

Below I am embedding a video on how TNT came to be.  I think it gives a clear idea of why it was formed and what it does so successfully!   GO TEAM!!!!!

Tapestries of Hope (excerpt from another blog "Musing By Moonlight"

Below is a draft blog that I had forgotten to publish, an excerpt from another blog, "  Musing by Moonlight."

Tapestries of Hope unearths the Zimbabwean myth that if a man rapes a virgin he will be cured of HIV/AIDS. The consequences of this myth are tragic:
  • sexual abuse is rampant,
  • girls as young as one day old have been raped, and
  • rape victims are being infected with HIV/AIDS.
In 2007 Michealene Risley* traveled to Zimbabwe to film this documentary, focusing on the work Betty Makoni has done to help the victims of rape and sexual abuse. As a result of her filming Ms. Risley was jailed, interrogated, and deported from Zimbabwe.
Some readers may remember Ms. Makoni from the CNN heroes award, 2009.
*NOTE: Michealene Cristini Risley
In April 2010 Ms. Risley won Silicon Valley’s Women of Influence Award. As a human rights activist she speaks out on issues affecting women and children. She has addressed Congress, The State Department, The United Nations, Amnesty International, Stanford’s Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders and Google, amongst others.
She blogs frequently for the Huffington Post, and won the New Communications Review’s ‘Award of Excellence’ for her live blogs during her filming and incarceration in Zimbabwe. Michealene is currently working on a new book on her experience in Zimbabwe. She also co-wrote the book “This is not the Life I Ordered.” To date, the book has sold over 50,000 copies.


In the best of circumstances, it's straight forward, "let's get it out on the table and move on."  This is the way it is with Henry (thank God!) and the friends I'm most at ease with.  Then there are people you think you know too some degree but really don't because they can't bring themselves to talk about issues or concerns, so they drop out of your life with no explanation and talk about you behind your back.  This may be harsh but it strikes me as cowardice.  Do they think they're hurting you less by clamming up and, even more so, by no longer being your friend (without ever even trying to explain..or pretending everything is ok but avoiding you).  Far far better and braver, imho, to say "I'm uncomfortable for the following reasons...."

Frankly, communication is not one of my greatest strengths but I do know how much it means to me to feel supported, not judged and, most of all, to feel so comfortable that I trust the other person accordingly.
I need quite a bit of practice to communicate like this myself.  But I really want this for myself!

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Henry and I will have been together 10 years August 20 (7 years married).  In spite of PD, I feel like a vey lucky woman (in large part because of him).  It's funny how people who haven't got the vaguest idea who you are will gossip as though they had some infallible insight(do they understand it's malicious?).
Should I care?  Well, yes, it hurts when people treat you strangely.....and, on the other hand, the only person you have any control over is yourself.  Anyway, I wrote a poem called "Strength."  It's a love poem for Henry.  It's about standing strong in the face of your loved one's disease.  For me, this kind of love is so strong, that the thought of pursuing some fly by night fantasy would be ridiculous.

The metaphor relates to mountains/snow/ storms with blizzard/white out referring to my disconnects in physical and mental capabilities (which I fight).


He is the mountain
around which my heart grows,
the man who swallows tears,
because he knows

I slowly pass through white out.
Before his eyes, parts of me
begin to fade.

There is no scream loud enough
to wake the gods,
to stop the blizzard in its tracks.

And yet, he smiles.
He does not run; he does not hide.
He walks beside me, each caress a shield
against the never ending storm.

* all rights reserved by author,
Marlene G. McNew

Swim & Other Training

It's official.  I am a member of the U.S. Masters Swim organization (Santa Clara swim club - beginner's group).  Actually, I guess it will be official when I do one lap across a 3 foot deep pool (25 yards) doing elementary backstroke.    Once in, then I can work on my front crawl, aerobic capacity, breathing/timing/both sides, stroke efficiency and, of course, comfort in water.  Then, we can worry about open water swimming.  Coach Larry (head coach) says they will ensure I finish the triathlon.  He's a great coach as are the others!

Needless to say, need to do a lot of work on the walk/run and cycling also.

When you sign up with TNT, they tell you what your fundraising minimum is but they might consider telling you what you'll need to have re: gear.  Thankfully, they provide the wetsuit and I have a nice road bike.  Got new running shoes.  Had to get new cycling shoes because the old ones were falling apart.  Had to get a new bike helmet because the old one has a giant crack.  Had to get the bike tuned up.  Just ordered tri shorts and a tri top.  Stocking up/testing out goggles and swim caps.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Training, Life, Love, Integrity

So the training continues.  Wow, am I in horrible shape!  Long way to go!  We had swim/track training Sunday AM, swim training Monday evening, I swam on my own today and then track training this evening.  I need to establish my own regular schedule for training away from the team.

I was supposed to be in a plein air oil painting class at Filoli today through Saturday.  Thankfully, they let me out of it.  Too much stuff going on!

That's it for now.  Tired.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mighty Mermaid Sprint triathalon

As I was in incredibly lousy condition last winter's ski season, my neurologist recommended that I do another Team in Training event.  Having secretly always wanted to do a triathalon, I signed up to do the Mighty Mermaid Sprint triathalon October 6, 2012 in Capitola (just over the hill from us).

Started training last Sunday.  I am not a fantastic swimmer so just a wee bit nervous about an open water swim.  Great news though, I can join the beginner's group within a Masters program and work a lot more with great coaching.  I also know, from direct experience, how good the TNT program is at preparing partiicpants for their event.  Also, supportive is a word that defines their approach and that is a critically important quality for me.

So glad Dr. B made that recommendation and that I'm following through (so far!).  Nervous but overall feel really good about it!